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what not to say to someone with a mental disorder


Source: Ioreanto/Shutterstock

During a lecture to a group of college students, I described how to testify respect toward people with mental health concerns by using advisable language. As one instance, I noted that it's better to say, "John has schizophrenia," instead of "John is schizophrenic."

I explained that "John has schizophrenia" puts the emphasis on the person, not his affliction, while "John is schizophrenic" equates the person with their illness and perpetuates negative labels and stereotypes nigh having a mental health condition.

At this point, a young woman in the class raised her hand and said, "I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder most a yr ago, and since and then I've always said, 'I'm bipolar.' Information technology never occurred to me to say 'I have bipolar disorder.' Merely I do encounter the difference. I'k a person, non a diagnosis! I may have a mental affliction, only it doesn't ascertain me. I take goals in my life, including a career, a family unit, and and so much more. This diagnosis won't stop me, and I shouldn't limit myself past implying that I'one thousand merely an illness."

I praised her for this insightful annotate, which underscores an incredibly important issue: How we talk about mental illness and people who are living with mental health conditions is often just plain wrong.

How to Talk Most Mental Health

Merely like that bright young woman indicated, I'm convinced that a large part of the problem is that many well-meaning people simply aren't aware of this issue. Just when you bring it to their attention and describe a more respectful style to talk about mental wellness, they get it. (Of course, there are all the same some who aren't going to get it fifty-fifty if it is brought to their attention. Only we tin't modify the whole world overnight.)

Here's a quick and easy lesson on how to talk about mental health issues. I'm offering a handy list of "ten commandments" suitable for copying, displaying, sharing, and teaching others. This isn't an exhaustive listing, and these aren't just my preferences. They reflect the preferred language recommended by several leading mental health groups and the Associated Printing. I'll also include the disclaimer that today's "politically correct" linguistic communication may not be okay at some bespeak in the futurity, since terminology and its usage continues to evolve.

Ten Commandments for How to Talk About Mental Health

1. When using diagnostic terms, put the person first, non the disease.

"Person-start" language is "Mary has ______" (e.g., "schizophrenia," "bipolar disorder"), not "Mary is _____ (east.g., "schizophrenic," "bipolar").

2. Don't say "mentally disabled," "mentally handicapped," or "mentally sick."

Say, "has a mental affliction." It can also be appropriate to say "mental health condition," since many people who bargain with mental health concerns may non have a formal diagnosis or a full-fledged illness.

3. Don't use the terms "retarded" or "mentally retarded."

The current preferred language is to say a person "has an intellectual or developmental disability."

4. Don't use insensitive terms ("crazy," "insane," "psycho," "basics," "deranged") to describe someone displaying unusual or violent behaviors, or who may have a mental disease.

5. Don't say "addict," "junkie," "drunkard," or any of the other derogatory terms related to addiction or misuse of drugs and alcohol.

Say, "has a substance use disorder," or "has an alcohol or drug problem."

6. Don't say "brain-damaged" or "demented."

Say "has a brain injury" or "has dementia."

7. Don't say "committed suicide," which refers to the outdated notion that suicidal acts were crimes; say "died by suicide."

Also, don't say that a suicide attempt was "failed" or "successful."

eight. Don't apply terms that suggest compassion, like "suffering from," "victim of," or "afflicted with," when referring to someone'due south affliction or disability.

Instead say, "has a history of," "is being treated for," or "lives with."

9. Don't employ diagnostic or mental wellness terms to explain everyday individual idiosyncrasies or other behavior mutual to many people, such as, "that's my OCD" or "I'm then ADHD."

10. Despite these guidelines, all the same respect each private's preference for how they wish to refer to their own mental health status.

Some terms you lot may hear when someone refers to their personal mental health issues include "consumer," "survivor," "person with lived experience," or "person in recovery," among others. Finally, mental health providers however routinely apply the terms "client" and "patient" depending on the specific handling setting.

Let's Make a Departure

Despite widespread distribution of these types of guidelines, you lot volition nonetheless encounter lots of very well-informed mental wellness consumers and experienced, caring providers who routinely use inappropriate or insensitive language. When this happens, be polite but permit people know your concerns about their choice of words. Meliorate yet, transport them a copy of this mail.

One final point: Let'due south turn our focus abroad from only referring to the "stigma" of mental illness and call it what is really is—prejudice and discrimination. By changing how nosotros talk about mental health problems, we can begin to impact negative attitudes and behaviors which adversely affect so many people. Permit's all make a difference, starting today.

Copyright David Susman 2017
